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“A hero is somebody who is selfless, who is generous in spirit, who just tries to give back as much as possible and help people. A hero to me is someone who saves people and who really deeply cares.”

-Debi Mazar

About the Award

In today’s world it’s easy to find the bad in one another.  It’s easy too notice ones weakness and to take offense to a light-hearted comment.  We are constantly confronted by these messages every day, but in our community we are also constantly served by members of our community – our Everyday Heroes!

Everyday Heroes come in many forms.  It could be the bagger at the grocery store, a local student or teacher, perhaps a city worker or religious leader.  Debi Mazar said that a hero is someone “who just tries to give back as much as possible and help people.”  Isn’t that the essence of a community?  I’m sure we’ve all been served by someone going above and beyond the call of duty at work, or simply caring for their neighbors.  I’m also sure most of us have asked the question “How can I ever repay them?”  Well, now you can with the Gem Awards Everyday Heroes Award!


Nominate someone for the Everyday Heroes Award

It’s time we start recognizing the members of our community who strive day by day to make Cedar City a better place.  Being in the awards & personalization industry, we know how much a custom award can mean to someone.  Based on your nominations, we will select and award them with the Gem Awards Everyday Heroes Award.  This award is meant for those individuals in our community who have performed good deeds without receiving recognition for their actions.


How to Nominate Someone

It’s easy to nominate someone.  Just leave a comment below with their name and why you think they deserve this award.  If your recipient is selected we will email you for further details.  There is absolutely NO cost to you or to the recipient of this award.  We are simply happy to recognize those outstanding members of our community who have supported us and many other local businesses over the past 30 years.