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Who is the first person your customers see?  Your employees of course!  Are you utilizing employee name tags to brand your business?  In this article we’re going to talk about some tips when designing the perfect employee name tags.

Company Logo

When designing company name tags for employees, almost as important as the employees name is the company logo.  The logo is usually across the top or bottom of the name tag or off to one side as shown in the images below.  Depending on the length and height of your logo, certain designs look more functional than others.


Company Logo Placement on Name Tags

Which Engraving Style Should You Choose?

I tend to like full color name tags better than rotary engraved or laser engraved name tags.  Although these other styles of name tags have a traditional and classy look, it’s easier to catch your customers attention with full color images.  Remember, the employee name tags are supposed to draw attention to your company logo and display your brand in the way your company wants it to be branded.  With full color engraving your logos and text can appear in any color on your name tags.  This reduces costs because logos can usually be submitted in .jpg or .png formats and require little design work done by the engravers.  For example, our full color name tags come with free engraving and no artwork charges.  This means you save money, and get a more eye-catching employee name tag at the same time.  That’s a double win!

Name Tag Styles

Magnet or Pin Back Attachments?

Pin and Magnet Name TagsTo answer this question you have to think of your employees and what type of work your employees will be engaging in. Some helpful questions may be…

  • What will they be doing when wearing their name tags? 
  • What clothing will they be wearing with their name tags? 

All of these questions help you to decide whether or not your employee name tags need to have pin back attachments or magnet attachments.  For example if you’re needing hotel name tags think about your employees changing bed sheets, and doing other labor intensive tasks.  For these types of jobs pin on name tags might be better so they don’t catch on something and fall off.  On the other hand if you need employee name tags for secretaries or front desk workers, magnetic name tags may be the way to go.


Names and Titles?

Well, that brings us to another really important aspect of the employee name tags – The employees name!  Besides choosing a font that’s readable, the font should continue to say something about the company brand.  Font colors should either be left neutral (Black) or complement the colors found in your company logo.  Titles are extremely helpful to customers when being directed through your organization.  They will know what types of questions to ask employees based on their job titles.  We recommend keeping job titles short and concise, but also descriptive.  We like to make job titles slightly smaller on employee name tags and center them with the employees name.



When designing your name tags think about your company brand and what you want to portray to your customers and vendors through your company name tags.  Company Logos are usually more eye-catching when engraved in color, and should be prominently displayed on the employee name tags.  Magnetic name tags are great for secretaries and front desk clerks, but pin on name tags are usually better for employees performing labor intensive jobs.  Lastly, make sure your employee’s name and job title complement your company logo and are readable and descriptive.

If you have any other questions about designing your employee name tags, leave a comment below or contact Gem Awards.